Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland at 17 Weeks!

Austin, Texas
What we arrived home to - our driveway!
Vince clearing the driveway so I can make it to my Dr. appt. in the morning!
Saturday morning - we have a lot of work to do!
The path we cleared - to bad the snow machine stopped working!
Entry to our house!
Can you see me?
Almost over my head!
This week has been an adventourous week for Vince and I as you can see.  We headed to Austin, TX on February 5th to make a long weekend out of a business trip Vince had.  Turns out, we got stuck in Austin for a couple extra days because of all the snow that hit Pennsylvania on Friday/Saturday and again on Wednesday.  Suprisingly we ended up getting in around 5pm the following Thursday, even though Dallas Texas got hit with 12 inches of snow that day.  When we arrived home it was truly a winter wonderland.  We litteraly had to shovel our way into the house.  Vince spent Thursday night shoveling the driveway and I went on the hunt in the 30+ inches of snow for our mailbox that had disappeared.  We then spent our Saturday morning shoveling our very long sidewalk and front porch so we no longer looked like the lazy neighbors that hadn't shoveled anything. 

While in Texas we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on February 10th.  It is hard to believe we have been married for 3 years, together for 11 and will soon be adding an addition to our family.  I ask myself everyday why I am so lucky to be blessed with a wonderful family, amazing husband and soon to be baby.  We count our blessings everyday to be given such wonderful lives. 

We made it home for my 17 week checkup just in time.  I found out at my appoitment that my blood type is O Negative which is somewhat rare and a little more difficult when it comes to a pregnancy and especially future pregnancies.  Since I am O Negative I will receive a shot at 28 weeks called Rho-gam.  As soon as the little one is born they will test his/her blood and if the baby has a positive blood type I will be given another Rho-gam shot to prevent my blood from being tanted for future pregnancies.  Since I am O Negative my body builds anitbodies that can attack a second, third, etc. pregnancy if the baby is positive.  This shot will prevent any future babies I have blood from mixing with my blood and will allow my body to not reject future pregnancies.  This was news to Vince and I because I had never heard of it before and didn't even know my blood type until Friday.  If this is the least of my worries during this pregnancy I will feel like one lucky girl!

The next several weeks will be quite adventurous for the baby, Vince and I.  I will be leaving Thursday, February 18th to go visit grandma Huffman and my sister Erin in Florida.  We will then be leaving again on March 6th to spend a long relaxing 8 days in Cancun, Mexico.  I think we are both hoping that when we arrive back in Philly most of the snow will be gone but we aren't going to hold our breath.

The day before we leave for Cancun we will be heading back to the Doctor for my 20 week checkup.  We will have one thing to look forward to coming home from Cancun and that is finding out if baby Jenkins is a handsom little boy or precious little girl (March 15th @ 8am).  Everyone seems to have their predictions so we shall see who is right. I truly have no idea but Vince seems to think it is a girl but keeps calling it a "he" so who knows!  We will be thrilled with whatever God blesses us with.  Check back on March 15th for the exciting news!