Friday, July 9, 2010

BABY It's Hot Outside!

Today we are only about 2 weeks away from this journey we have been on.  I personally feel that time has flown by.  Suprisingly, I feel wonderful.  I don't feel like I could be having a baby any day now.  Vince and I are hoping that our luck isn't going to run out and this little guy of ours is going to pay us back and be quite the ornery one.  We shall see!  I went to the Dr. yesterday and it looks like he could be making his appearance anytime.  As we know, this could mean he could come today, tommorow or 2 weeks from now.  Either way we just can't wait until he gets here and he will make his appearance when he is ready! 

Here in PA we have had some record high temperatures so I have been trying to stay out of the heat as much as possible but that is hard for me.  I love being outside and can't hardly stand being trapped in the house.  Although everyone tells me to stay inside I do sneak out from time to time.  I have still been going to my swimming classes and love them.  I think they are part of the reason I haven't really had any swelling.  I did start walking early in the morning some this week so we shall see if this pushes him along.

I am not a big fan of the belly pictures but decided I needed to get over it so below I have posted a picture of me at 30 weeks and one of myself now.  As you will see the little guy has grown quite a bit in the last 8 weeks.

Before we know it we will have all of our family here sharing this wonderful experience with us!  We can't wait for everyone to arrive!

                                                                          30 WEEKS

37 1/2 WEEKS