Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin!

Several weeks ago when Aunt Erin was in town we decided to venture to a pumpkin patch / working farm to let Reece pick some pumpkins or I guess I should say let mom and dad pick some pumpkins for Reece.  Who would of guessed we only live about a mile away from the pumpkin patch.  Although Reece already picked his very first pumpkin at Grandma Cindy's house while we were in Ohio we thought we would go pick some more for the front porch.

As you can tell from the pictures Reece stayed awake for the very first picture we took but as soon as we got on  the wagon for the hayride he passed out.  Lets just say when the boy has both movement and  fresh air he normally is out within minutes.  Although Reece fell asleep for his entire pumpkin pickin experience Aunt Erin, Vince and I had a great time. 

Aunt Erin & Reece

Sunday, October 31, 2010

1st Vacation, 1st Plane Ride, 1st Dip in the Ocean!

The Jenkins family recently went to Florida to see Billie, Bart and little Miss Bailey. This was the first time we got to meet each others new additions.  We had such a wonderful time and got to see how precious little Miss Bailey is!!!!!!  This trip made a lot of 1st for Reece.  This was Reece's 1st vacation, his 1st plane ride and his 1st time putting his toes in the sand and ocean.  I know that he didn't realize what was really happening but we had a great time snapping all kinds of pictures of all of his new experiences.  We had such a great time swimming, going for walks and sharing stories about each of our little ones 1st 3-4 months of life. Billie and I even were able to get away for several hours and let the daddies babysit while we caught up on some much needed gossip time.  Of course we ended up talking about our little ones the whole time but that's ok.  We wonder what we talked about before we had kids. 

1st Plane Ride

We can't hardly wait for Christmas so we can see the Bartholomew family again!

It's Been Way To Long!

I guess our only excuse for not updating our blog for awhile is that Reece is keeping us really really busy.  The Jenkins family has been doing really well.  Reece is growing like a weed and changing so much everyday.  People always told us to cherish every moment because they go by so fast and now we see what they are talking about. 

The last month Vince and I have seen the most change in Reece.  He is now smiling and jabbering like crazy.  We LOVE it and can't get enough of it.  The other night Vince and I looked at each and thought this little boy is not going to stop jabbering and go to sleep.  We finally had to just go lay him in his crib and he finally went to sleep.  Speaking of cribs, we are so proud of him and the way he has adapted to his crib.  The first night was a little rough but by the 2nd night he was doing great.  We can lay him down, still awake but drowsy, and he will fall asleep.  At night he would much rather stretch out in his crib than be held.  He has been doing great at giving us longer stretches of sleep at night.  He normally wakes up around 4 for a bottle and goes back to sleep until 7 or 8am.  I know one day we will wake up and look at each other and be shocked because he slept through the night.  I always give my mom a morning text of how Reece slept and I am looking forward to the day when I can text her HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!  On the other hand, we are not so successful at napping in our crib during the day so we are going to have to work on that.  Any success stories, advice or tricks would greatly be appreciated.

We do have an exciting couple of months coming up.  My parents, grandparents and sister were just out for a visit and Vince's parents are coming out this weekend.  They use to come see us but now we know who they are seeing.  It also seems their visits are a lot more frequent now.  I wonder why? 

Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here and the family will get to see little Mr. Reece again.   

Here are some recent pictures of our smiley little guy!

Friday, August 20, 2010

1 Month Dr. Appt.

Today Reece had his 1 month Dr. Appt.  Everything looked wonderful.  Our little guy, or our not so little guy, weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long.  He was in the 86% for weight, 63% for height and 23% for his head.  Overall the Dr. said he looked great.  I was so proud of how well he did with his shot.  I had been dreading this shot all week and he gave a little screem, I immediatly picked him up, and he was silent.  I was shocked!  Lets hope all his shots go that smoothly.

I have to say I have missed Aunt Erin being here these last several days.  It was really nice to get some sleep in the morning while Aunt Erin took care of Reece.  The good news is mom, dad and grandma are coming tommorow so it looks like this momma is going to be getting a lot of sleep this next week.  My mom has offered to follow in Erin's footsteps and take over the morning feedings.  I know she is really looking forward to having her some Reece time!

Vince and I are going to be spending our first evening out away from the little guy when my parents and grandma arrive. We are looking forward to enjoying each others company alone for the evening and I know Reece will be in good hands while we are gone. Dad has already informed me that Reece and him will be watching the Bengals play the Eagles and they will be routing for the Bengals.

Head to our 1 month Dr. Appt.

At our 1 month Dr. Appt.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reece Huffman Jenkins Has Arrived!

On the morning of the July 17th our life changed for the better.  I woke around 7am and wasn't sure if my water broke.  I was convinced it didn't and Vince was convinced it did.  I gave the doctor a call and she informed me to wait a while and see what happens.  I went for a walk and when I got back Vince convinced me again to give the Dr. a call.  She instructed me to come to the hospital to see for sure if my water had broken.  We arrived at Chester County Hospital around 12:30pm and once they checked me they said my water did break and told me I was having my baby boy today.  I WAS SHOCKED!!!  We immediatly got on the phone informing everyone to make their way to the hospital.  Of course, everyone was excited!

The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quickly.   While waiting for the little guy to arrive dad and Vince went to Wendy's to grab something to eat while mom hung back with me to keep me company.  When they arrived back the Dr. had just checked me to see if I had dialated any further from 5cm.  Again, I was shocked, I was already at 10cm and ready to have this little guy.  Vince scarfed down his sandwich and about 6 pushes later Reece Huffman Jenkins was welcomed into this world on a beautiful Saturday evening.  Reece Huffman Jenkins was born on 7/17/10 at 7:17pm.  Reece weighed 8 pounds 4 ouces and was 21 inches long. He is just perfect! Soon after Cindy, Steve and Erin arrived from Ohio to see their new grandson and nephew. 
I have to say, I was one lucky girl throughout this whole process.  This past 9 months was truley enjoyable and the labor process was the very same way.  Reece was very good to his mommy!

The week before Reece arrived we were lucky enough to have my parents here.  We put them to work cleaning, cooking and enjoying each others company.  We were lucky enough again to have them hang around the week after Reece came home.  My mom, being the wonderful cook she is, treated us to delicous meals every night and gave me some relief of some much needed sleep in the morning.  My dad and her had a pretty good routine going in the morning taking care of Reece!  Gotta love parents!

Today Reece is one month old.  He is doing absolutly wondeful.  He is making all kinds of noisies and is becoming so stong.  When he lays on your chest he picks his head up and looks around.  Such a strong little guy.  He loves being outside.  Just walking out the front door and rocking him on the front porch normally brings a peaceful calm about him.  He also loves bath time and his vibrating chair.  Aunt Erin was just here visiting and gave me such a nice break from the nightly feedings. I think she spoiled him a little also.  Mom, dad and grandma are on their way out Saturday and Vince and I are going to get our first night out from Reece when they arrive. 

We are also looing forward to coming to Ohio in September to introduce him to everyone that hasn't gotten to meet him yet.  Lets hope the car ride goes smoothly!

As you can see we love this little guy more than words can describe!

1 Day Old

Reece's 1st Week Home

Reece's 1st Bath

All Snuggled Up!

Reece and daddy rockin on the front porch!

Wide Awake!


Reece and Aunt Erin all snuggle up together!

Out and about on the town!

Reece has grown so much over the last 4 weeks. 
He LOVES to EAT!. 

Friday, July 9, 2010

BABY It's Hot Outside!

Today we are only about 2 weeks away from this journey we have been on.  I personally feel that time has flown by.  Suprisingly, I feel wonderful.  I don't feel like I could be having a baby any day now.  Vince and I are hoping that our luck isn't going to run out and this little guy of ours is going to pay us back and be quite the ornery one.  We shall see!  I went to the Dr. yesterday and it looks like he could be making his appearance anytime.  As we know, this could mean he could come today, tommorow or 2 weeks from now.  Either way we just can't wait until he gets here and he will make his appearance when he is ready! 

Here in PA we have had some record high temperatures so I have been trying to stay out of the heat as much as possible but that is hard for me.  I love being outside and can't hardly stand being trapped in the house.  Although everyone tells me to stay inside I do sneak out from time to time.  I have still been going to my swimming classes and love them.  I think they are part of the reason I haven't really had any swelling.  I did start walking early in the morning some this week so we shall see if this pushes him along.

I am not a big fan of the belly pictures but decided I needed to get over it so below I have posted a picture of me at 30 weeks and one of myself now.  As you will see the little guy has grown quite a bit in the last 8 weeks.

Before we know it we will have all of our family here sharing this wonderful experience with us!  We can't wait for everyone to arrive!

                                                                          30 WEEKS

37 1/2 WEEKS

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Almost Time.......

I first want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Billie & Bart for the arrival of their precious little girl Bailey Partin Bartholomew.  She was born on June 14th at 2:11am and weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces (the same as I did when I was born).  She is absolutely beautiful and Vince and I can't wait to meet her. 

Today Vince and I went to our 34 1/2 week appointment.  I can't hardly believe how fast time has went.  The Dr. said he is taking up every inch of my belly and his head is in the perfect position.  She estimated he is weighing in at about 5.5 pounds and thinks he will weigh somewhere between 7.5 - 9 pounds when he arrives.  Sounds like a perfect little boy to me.  I am not pregidous or anything.

This week has been a little different for the little man and I.  I finished up my student teaching this past Friday so this week I have been busy getting the last minute things ready for his arrival.  I have stayed extremely busy this week and plan on relaxing a little more next week.  Vince is going to be in Nashville Monday - Friday of next week for work and the Dr. recommended that I don't overdue it since Vince would be gone.  We don't want the little man to arrive when his dad isn't here. 

This week I was really looking forward to attending an Aquafit Plus class in the pool and absolutly LOVED it.  I couldn't attend it before because I was teaching and have realized this week how much better swimming is than being on the treadmill every morning like I was before.  It is relaxing and a pretty good workout at the same time.  It is a great way to start my morning!  Lets hope our little guy is a waterbug when he arrives.  I actually bought him his first pair of swimming trunks this week with crabs on them.  See below!!!!

My next appointment is on June 29th and we will get a better idea when the the little man will arrive.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Time Is Flying By.........30 Weeks

It is hard to believe we just had our 30 week appointment.  Time has really flown by this last month.  It seems like yesterday we were discussing having a baby and now we only have 8-10 more weeks until our little man arrives. 

Vince and I went to our first pre-nantal class last Thursday and another one this Thursday.  At the end of the session we were to lay on our mats and pillows and go through a relaxing session.  The instructor had calming music with a narrator telling you how to relax.  Well, our little man was making it very hard for his mom to relax.  As we were laying there Vince and I couldn't quit laughing because you could see our little guys body parts poking out through my shirt.  He almost got us kicked out, well not really but probably should have been.  He seems to become more and more active as the  days go on.  I think Vince and I could sit and watch him move around all day everyday. 

The Dr. said everything looked great at my 30 week appointment.  I have been fighting off some really bad shin splints and was hoping the Dr. would have some positive advice / medicine for them but I had no luck!  He pretty much said there was nothing I could do about them.  I am not aloud taking any medicine for them so I guess I need to just fight through them. (hello everyone, this is Vince - and the Dr. actually said to rest them, not fight through them - just a point of clarification)

As far as work goes, it is also hard to believe that I only have 4 weeks left of my student teaching.  Time has really flown by and I am starting to get really attached to the students.  The other day one of the little boys in the class said to me that he didn't know I was pregnant and thought I just started eating a lot when I started working at the school.  Little comments like this is what makes my days so interesting!  As far as Vince's job goes he has been extremely busy this last month which is always a good thing.

The little guys nursery is finally done.  It actually didn't take very long at all.  Things came together really quickly.  When I start doing something I just want it done!  Now, all we need is our little guy to liven up the room!  Check out some pictures below!

The next couple weeks should be pretty calm and relaxing for us.  We plan on getting some more yard work done.  Last weekend was spent weeding, edging and mulching so this weekend I will probably tackle the flowers.  Vince is participating in a triathlon in Jersery over Memorial Day weekend so he is looking forward to that.  My next appoitnment is June 3rd and hopefully everything is still going as planned by then.  Keep checking back for updates on baby Jenkins.

Friday, April 16, 2010

25 Weeks and Counting....

Tuesday, May 13th was my 25 week check-up.  The Dr. said everything looked great and to keep doing what I am doing. My belly has seemed to really grow the last 3 or 4 weeks.  I went from pretty much having no belly to having one that seems to be sticking out pretty far.  Oh well, I am excited when I see it growing because I know our little man is getting closer and closer to arriving. 

Vince and I got to spend a week in Hilton Head over Easter with my parents, his parents, sister and her boyfriend.  We were so lucky to visit with them for so long because we really hadn't seen any of them since Christmas.  Vince got to put another crib together at the Hilton Head house so we plan on spending as much time as we can there when the little guy arrives. Now dads only job is to get the crib together in Wellston before July 25th.  We shall see how that goes.  Cindy and Steve already have one at their house so we are all set when we come home to visit.  We had a wonderful time and of course still wish we were there. We love and miss you guys!  Check out some pictures below of our wonderful vacation.

The nursery has really come along the last 3 or 4 weeks.  So far we have re-done the closet and have the crib, changing table / dresser, cuddle chair, rug and this week-end the curtains will go up.  I am still looking for some art work for the walls but am not in any hurry to make my final selection.  I sometimes catch myself (or Vince catches me) sitting in the chair in the nursery doing nothing and just looking around.  As you can tell, I can't hardly wait until the he gets here.

I know some of you have been asking about names.  No name has been decided yet.  We have a long list but can't make up our minds.  If you know me well, you will know I am not a good decision maker so it could be awhile before the decision is made.   All I know is that we have to decide before we head to the hospital because we would probably end up staying there for a week waiting on me to agree on a name.  It is going to be a tough decision!

Things are going really well with my student teaching.  Today I finished my 4th week and have pretty much taken over a lot of the responsibilities in the classroom.  The students (1st graders) are ornery and trying at times but cute!  Some days are better than others and I sure have a lot of good stories to tell Vince when I get home.  They are all wanting to choose the name of our little guy.  I have had some suggestions and think I will pass on them.....Black Man, Rosalie and Charlie have been the suggestions so far and I don't think any of them are going to be the winners.  I still am a little confused about the little girl that told me that I should name him Black Man.  One of the other girls in the class told her that Mrs. Jenkins wasn't having Darth Vaders baby and she needed to come up with another name..........gotta love 1st graders.

My next appoitment is May 10th and will mark my 30th week.  Hopefully by then I will still be feeling as great as I do now.  I have had no complaints about pregnancy so far.  Check back to see how everything goes over the next 3-4 weeks!