Friday, August 20, 2010

1 Month Dr. Appt.

Today Reece had his 1 month Dr. Appt.  Everything looked wonderful.  Our little guy, or our not so little guy, weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long.  He was in the 86% for weight, 63% for height and 23% for his head.  Overall the Dr. said he looked great.  I was so proud of how well he did with his shot.  I had been dreading this shot all week and he gave a little screem, I immediatly picked him up, and he was silent.  I was shocked!  Lets hope all his shots go that smoothly.

I have to say I have missed Aunt Erin being here these last several days.  It was really nice to get some sleep in the morning while Aunt Erin took care of Reece.  The good news is mom, dad and grandma are coming tommorow so it looks like this momma is going to be getting a lot of sleep this next week.  My mom has offered to follow in Erin's footsteps and take over the morning feedings.  I know she is really looking forward to having her some Reece time!

Vince and I are going to be spending our first evening out away from the little guy when my parents and grandma arrive. We are looking forward to enjoying each others company alone for the evening and I know Reece will be in good hands while we are gone. Dad has already informed me that Reece and him will be watching the Bengals play the Eagles and they will be routing for the Bengals.

Head to our 1 month Dr. Appt.

At our 1 month Dr. Appt.

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